Claire Grace's identity speculations, Coco?! or - The Young and the Restless

March 2024 · 5 minute read

I’m probably wrong, but a few possibilities come to mind as to who Claire really is.

  • She’s Dylan and Avery’s secret daughter, making her Nikki’s granddaughter and Phyllis’ niece.
  • She’s Coco Spectra, Sally’s little sister.
  • She’s Casey’s granddaughter, making her Nikki’s great-niece.

    I think that you’re giving Josh G too much credit here. Until proven otherwise to me she’s just another unnecessary female in that age group. The show has a habit of doing that lately.


    Why must she be related to anyone currently living in Genoa City

    Coco Spectra? NOPE why would Sally’s sister come to town under a different name?

    Casey, Nikki’s sister, wouldn’t Nikki know if her sister had a child then a grand child?


    Your Number 1 Did cross my mind.

    Also I felt her real interest is in Victor. Using Nikki to get to him. She’s studied him and admitted that,but why all the interest?



    lso I felt her real interest is in Victor. Using Nikki to get to him. She’s studied him and admitted that,but why all the interest?

    This is an interesting idea that I hadn’t thought of but it makes sense.


    The character ALL READY bores me. Nail in coffin if she ends up related to someone. SHE should have been a HE. There are TOO MANY women.

    If you’re going to create a person that has “has-been issues”, at least for the sake of something different, make it a boy.


    And fix her hair. It looks terrible.



    She is one of the underaged girls involved with the singer many years ago.

    OMG! Now, first off, IDK the AGE of Claire Grace OR how many years it’s been since what happened and the coverup!..And I was about to post this VERY thing and saw that you did!! I also think she may be one of the “underage victims” for the singer that was working for Tucker’s Co and he and Audra tried covering it up! OMG and what will Audra find on Claire Grace?? Could Audra USE this info (IF that is what she finds??) could she use it against Ms. Grace???

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    I don’t know who she is but she is overly sweet, bubbly and nice. That tells me that she’s trying extra hard which means she is not who she claims to be.

    She comes across as very fake.

    It’s pretty bad when we live in a world where somebody who is nice sweet and kind is looked on with suspicion.


    Absolutely—we have way too many female characters



    Why must she be related to anyone currently living in Genoa City

    I agree. It seems all roads in the world lead to Genoa City. For some weird reason almost everyone that turns up in Genoa City ends up being related to somebody already living there. It’s crazy.

    However there is something fishy about this girl. She’s too overly eager, bubbly and nice. She seems to be trying too hard to be accepted.

    She comes across as being very fake.

    I don’t know if she is related to or involved in some way with somebody already on the show, but there is something suspicious about her.

    On a side note, she looks a lot like the girl playing Faith.


    Those hairdressers on the show seem to love those two chunks of hair around the face…


    I guessed her mother is Grace Turner and her father is Nicholas Newman.


    She keeps mentioning her great-aunt. If that’s not a total lie and red herring, then Claire is there to get revenge for her, or to claim/steal something that the great-aunt feels she’s owed.

    So who’s a woman from the show’s past who’s in the same generation as Victor and Nikki who we haven’t seen in a long time and who would have an axe to grind with them?



    However there is something fishy about this girl. She’s too overly eager, bubbly and nice. She seems to be trying too hard to be accepted.

    Oh yes Claire is 100% phony and why in every other sentence must she refer to her great aunt…if the woman raised her call her Aunt Mary or whatever her first name is

    and yes it is the Newmans she is targeting
    don’t want her to be a child of some affair VIctor had 20 some yrs ago
    or any of the Newmans for that matter


    My thoughts exactly, she mentions her great aunt 24/7, that’s her connection. :face_with_monocle:


    has she said her great aunt’s name?

    but then the woman may have changed it so none of the Newmans would recognize the name

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    Wasn’t there a villainess named eve something?

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    Victor’s unknown daughter or Victoria’s twin that was taken away secretly at birth.

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