Grisly Murder of Jasmine Fiore Detailed By Police

April 2024 · 3 minute read

Buena Park, Calif., police said at a press conference that there were blood stains in a Mercedes they found abandoned in a parking lot in West Hollywood.

This car was owned by Jasmine Fiore.

Cops say there was definitely a “struggle between two people in the car” and that there was even more significant blood loss in the back seat of the car.

The inside had been wiped down and the outside was recently washed.

It appears a lot of hair-pulling occurred, and that the murdered model looks to have suffered trauma to her face as well as broken nose during the altercation.

Police say the car had definitely gone offroad at some point, as there were mud stains on the tires and there were twigs caught in the undercarriage.

Police believe Jasmine Fiore was slain two Fridays ago by Ryan Jenkins.

To continue reading the graphic details of what police believe happened to Jasmine Fiore at the hands of her husband Ryan Jenkins, follow the jump ..

 There’s no reason to believe her teeth were removed while she was inside the vehicle – but fragments of her teeth in the suitcase she was found inside, so they can assume her teeth were removed with her in or around the suitcase.

Cops say she could “easily fit in the suitcase.” Police say her fingers were cut off at the tips post-mortem. A few pieces of bloody clothing were in the trunk.

As for the timeline, both Jasmine Fiore and Ryan Jenkins were seen entering her Mercedes at the San Diego Hilton at 2:30 a.m. on the morning of August 14.

Jasmine Fiore was never seen again.

Later that morning, Ryan Alexander Jenkins was seen leaving the L’Auberge Del Mar – the hotel where they were staying at in San Diego – at 9:20 a.m.

The next time he was seen on video was at 5 p.m. at his residence in Los Angeles. So where was Jasmine when Ryan was seen checking out of the L’Auberge?

Police say Ryan Jenkins possibly assaulted her in the car (where it went off road) near Corona – 96 miles north of San Diego – between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

The car possibly went off road during the assault, and the area where the car went off road may be where he assaulted her more. The next day she was found in the trash. A witness saw Ryan in Buena Park near where Fiore’s body was dumped.

Another question is whether she was killed before Ryan was seen leaving the L’Auberge. Ryan could have used the “off road” area near Corona to mutilate the remains.

A prelimary report by the coroner says she was killed by strangulation. A bladed sharp instrument was used to cut her fingertips off – they don’t know what.

The severing of her fingers was definitely done post-mortem. Her nose was broken and she sustained head injuries. Pliers could have been used to pull her teeth out.

Jenkins’ suitcase – the one he left the L’Auberge with – was found in a storage facility in Washington State. Cops say one of the suitcases he left the hotel with similar in size and color to one Jasmine Fiore was found inside.

Cops say Ryan had no help from anyone in California, driving to Washington where he made his escape to Canada. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have not been forthcoming with evidence found at the motel where he killed himself.
