This Is What Working With 'James Bond' Daniel Craig Is Like

May 2024 · 5 minute read

The name’s not "Bond, James Bond" in real life, but Daniel Craig is the quintessential 007 ever since he made his first appearance in the franchise all those years ago. Who would have thought that, 25 years later, he’d be working on another one? Definitely not the super spy himself, especially taking into consideration that infamous interview he did two days after wrapping filming on the first James Bond. Craig is famously not the biggest fan of the James Bond franchise, which is why it was so surprising to hear that he was coming back for more! Daniel Craig is a prolific name who has quite the list of IMDb credits. While he isn’t as moody a super-spy/action guy as, say, Keanu Reeves, he definitely has carved a niche out in the action genre. Along with dozens of other kinds of movies, tv roles, and minor parts. Is there anything this guy can’t do? We can’t think of anything! He’s so versatile, even if he feels like James Bond has pigeonholed him. So, if he’s not keen on the character, does that mean he’s a nightmare on set? So many stars have faced allegations of being terrible to work with. Is Daniel Craig one that we have to lump into that category too?

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His Past Isn’t All Cheerful

Unfortunately, the answer isn’t as straightforward as it might be for some actors. Daniel Craig’s experiences on set are up and down, and they’re not always cheerful and full of sunny optimism. For instance, his thoughts on the first James Bond movie he ever did. We touched on it briefly, but there really isn’t a nice way to quote what he said. He doesn’t necessarily lament it now, but he definitely has expressed a little remorse. We won’t share his initial comment, but we will share his thoughts on it nowadays: “Look, there’s no point in making excuses about it, but it was two days after I’d finished shooting the last movie, I went straight to an interview, and someone said, ‘Would you do another one?’ … Instead of saying something with style and grace, I gave a really stupid answer,” which has coloured how he’s been perceived ever since.

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Maybe this is why there’s been some less-than-stoked opinions on Daniel Craig on set. “Everyone on the production side detests working with Daniel...He’s so difficult and makes things impossible. But (Bond producer) Barbara Broccoli thinks he walks on water, and only her opinion matters,” making it difficult for all of those production people who agree that he’s not the happiest 007. Sure, James Bond seems like a hard guy to connect with and get to know. But that seems to have extended into Daniel Craig’s real personality too, at least on set.

It’s Not All Negative

Let’s be clear, though: it’s not all negative in terms of his set personality. He’s generally a great guy to be with on set, at least according to many of his coworkers. There’s a stunt coordinator Daniel Craig has worked with for ages. “I’ve known Daniel for quite a few years now… nearly 30 years. I worked with him right back at the beginning of his career on Sharpe, back in the 90s... He’s a really nice guy. He hasn’t seemed to change that much from when I first met him, to be honest with you.” The high praise is proof that Daniel Craig isn’t all bad, and that it might just be the set culture on James Bond that’s making people turn against him a little. Plus, who’s really an angel when it comes to being on set? The days are long, the conditions are exhausting, and you’re jam packed into some weird locations with 20-50 other people. It’s not the glamorous experience a lot of people assume it to be!

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So what if Daniel Craig isn’t always the most positive guy on every set imaginable? It’s hard work being on set all day, especially when it’s a movie that you previously promised yourself you’d never be a part of. Between the high stress of working on location and the pressure it is to portray an iconic character (which you personally aren't a fan of), the man deserves a little slack. We think that that’s what’s having the most impact on his set personality and attitude right now. After such a struggle overcoming the pigeonholing that comes from being one of the most recognizable action stars of all time there’s bound to be a little bit of resentment. He’s not a bad guy, though, and his set personality is good when he’s not working on a movie franchise he dislikes. If a coworker of 30 years is going to vouch for how awesome he is to hang out with (both on and off set) then that’s enough for us to believe that he’s got a good personality; just as long as he’s not being asked to be James Bond ever again!

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